Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Don't try any monkey business...

and don't be late...

or your ride might leave without you...


You're the coolest uncle around. : )

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No More Braces!!!

January 19, 2016
After having braces for about 17 months, I finally got them off today, for good I hope. I also had braces for a short while when I was 14 (just on my top row), and then later when I was 19 (just on the bottom row). I thought I was done with braces when I was done being a teenager (the same with acne, but I still get that occasionally too), but never say never.

Here are a few photos taken (with my phone) at the orthodontist's office this morning:

This photo is of my orthodontist, Dr. Cook. I was also under the care of Dr. Hutta (Larry David's long lost brother, just kidding), but he wasn't in the office today.

I started planning my celebration lunch/dinner almost as soon as I got my braces on, having been inspired by the character of Sue Heck (from "The Middle"), who only just got hers off a couple seasons ago. Their dining room table was literally filled with all the forbidden food that poor Sue had to go without for like ten years or something.

I thought it was nice of the orthodontist office to give me a parting gift containing some of the previously off-limit foods (along with several retainers and another appt. card to come back for a check-up).
In case you're curious, the first thing I ate (for lunch) was three peanut butter slider sandwiches - one with cream cheese, one with grape jelly and the other a mixture of peanut butter and apple sauce (my favorite recipe from the third grade). I also had a banana and a small pot of yogurt, so it wasn't a completely unbalanced meal.

Dinner was three crunchy tacos from Taco Bell - two Cool Ranch Dorito Taco Supremes and one Nacho Cheese Dorito Taco Supreme. Even though I had to heat them up after I got home, they were like little crispy slices of heaven!!! I'm in love. Move over McDonalds, I have a new lover now, and it's the crunchy tacos from south of the border (not really since they're made here).

Dessert was four s'mores made with dark chocolate Hershey kisses (harder to melt, but prefer dark chocolate to milk), tiny marshmallows and honey graham crackers. Messy, but really yummy.

Suffice it to say I went to bed with a full stomach and a smile on my face!

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Apologies for not updating my blog in about a month. Perhaps my first New Year's Resolution should be to not forget about updating my blog (though I did pretty well last year with lapses only when I went on vacation and during the Christmas holiday).

I hope everyone had a good holiday. My husband and I certainly did. I was glad to be over my cold (though it certainly wasn't as bad as some I've had) and grateful my husband didn't catch it as he tends to get much sicker than me when he comes down with something (in sickness and in health...) Anyway, all (our family members) were happy and healthy and things were pretty status quo, which is all you can ask for.
A gold star to my mom for her excellent gift choices. I know you don't enjoy shopping, but you did a good job on choosing presents for me and for Andrew, so kudos. I have been using my new purse as a book bag lugging books and magazines back and forth from the office this week, so it's already come in handy. The first warm day we have over 50 degrees I will be sure to break out the knee socks (I wear leggings and ankle socks when the mercury is a bit lower). Andrew and I look forward to enjoying the wine, but for now the bottles are sitting on our wine rack. I was told the Mon Ami Winery (in Port Clinton) is a must visit during the warmer months as they have quite a lot of patio seating and musical entertainment on occasion. I assume you purchased the bottle in your local grocery store, but now you can add that winery to your list of places to visit in 2016. A stay at the Island House Hotel in Port Clinton is also a treat!
Also thanks to Ann and Colin for the lovely piece of lace (which is set aside for now, but I have a few ideas of how to properly display it), and the William Wegman calendar (now gracing our library wall in place of the tree house calendar that was there in 2015). The little wooden ornaments have been hanging on the little tree in our kitchen, soon to be taken down and stored away until next year.
Russ, I love my Kokokopelli balloon which is currently hanging from a light fixture in our library (just out of reach of Tamsin). I may or may not hang it on our porch later. It certainly helps cheer me up on all the gray, dreary winter days.
Thank you should also go out to my husband, Andrew for the David Sedaris CD set he purchased for me (though I know that's sort of like a group present since you can enjoy them too). So far it's been 50/50 with my enjoyment of the content so far, but as there's still 18 CDs left to listen to, I have high hopes for the rest.
I am grateful to have so many wonderful family, friends, neighbors and coworkers, as well as those we rely on for other needs: Lyndsey and Carol from Mastercuts who do my hair, Kristen who trims Tamsin's nails, the entire staff of Pet Palace and Avery Road Animal Hospital for always providing the best care to our precious kitty, the various hygienists who have assisted with my orthodontia in the last year or so, my co-volunteers at St. Brendan Church who are generous people and fun to work with, and all the other unnamed people who work hard to make life good for us all (the utility workers, our mailman, UPS delivery people, etc.).
I hope 2016 is a good year for all!!!