Sunday, January 13, 2019

Two Movie Reviews for 2019

Several weeks ago my husband and I saw the cutest movie, “Ralph Wrecks the Internet.”  Before you immediately dismiss it, I can tell you animated movies aren’t just for kids. In fact, I can recommend this movie for all ages, especially you Baby Boomers who would find this a good primer on the latest in social media (I learned a lot too). For anyone who has never been on Ebay and has no idea what an internet auction is, this movie is for you too.

Anyway, educational lessons aside, this movie is also very entertaining and cute. I challenge you not to smile or laugh most of the way through.
I especially enjoyed the scenes where Vanellope visits the Disney princesses. I can see lots of little girls absolutely cooing seeing them all gathered in one place. I love the discussion as they each compare their different realities. Those scenes are just one reason I would definitely see this movie again.

If you don’t find anything very funny, stay seated through the credits. “The teaser trailer ended on a sequence showing Ralph and Vanellope gatecrashing a mobile game where players feed a cute cartoon cat and rabbit with milkshakes and pancakes respectively
…..Ralph feeds the rabbit until it explodes - terrifying the little girl playing the game.”  My husband and I both laughed and laughed, so it was definitely worth staying for.

On New Year’s Eve we went to see the historic period comic drama, “The Favourite.” We were especially convinced to go see it after watching an interview with Emma Stone, the only American in an all British cast. I’d say she did a pretty convincing accent and was excellent in her role as one of “two cousins vying to be court favourites of Queen Anne in the early 18th century.”* The movie also stars Rachel Weisz as the other cousin (who was there first, it must be said), and Olivia Colman (who takes over the role of Queen Elizabeth in the next season of “The Crown.”) as Queen Anne.

The movie is interesting and entertaining. It’s both kind of funny and sad that the queen had a colony of (17) rabbits (one for each child she lost) that were sometimes kept in cages, and sometimes let loose to wander around her large bed chamber.

The movie though turns quite dark (as Queen Anne’s health slowly deteriorates) by the end, so, quite honestly, I was very glad when the movie was finally over.
According to Wikipedia, Hampton Court Palace was one of the filming locations (probably the scenes where Emma Stone’s character participates in several pigeon shoots). Andrew and I last visited in 1994, which is why we both thought it looked familiar in the film.

Also, I should add that perhaps this movie is aimed at an older audience, or maybe we just like things that older people like, but we were definitely amongst the youngest in the crowd of seniors who showed up for the 4pm viewing.

I can recommend both movies – but maybe see “The Favourite” first, then “Ralph Wrecks the Internet” to cheer yourself up.

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