Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Sunday, May 14, 2017
an old photo from Franklin Park Conservatory

Today my mom asked me whether or not I still “scrapbooked.” She then told me about a story she saw on one of those early morning news programs where they were highlighting a B & B type place you could stay for the weekend and do non-stop scrapbooking.

To answer my mother’s question, I told her I don’t really do scrapbooking anymore, as such. Instead, I enjoy what is called Art Journaling. I have to admit that I misunderstood what the definition of Art Journaling was when I first started. I expected to simply illustrate a journal containing my notes and writing. You can do that, but really an art journal is a sketchbook filled with writing and pictures in an artful combination. There’s really more of a focus on the art rather than the writing.

I took my first art journal class perhaps five or six years ago after coming across an interesting class description in the Upper Arlington Lifelong Learning catalog. The only hitch was that it was a daytime class for seniors. I made enquiries to the UA Lifelong Learning office and they gave me the contact details for the instructor (Amy Flowers of Shrewd Art), who then informed me that she also taught evening classes at one of the local art stores (Dick Blick’s). I signed up for her class and been hooked ever since, though I haven’t yet completely filled the two art journals I started in a couple of her classes.

My most recent art journal class was at a weekend retreat (Artiscape) where our instructor gave us each a book she had started repurposing as an art journal by painting over the cover and a few of the inside pages. I haven’t done anything further with it since then, but am slowly making plans in my head.

Here are some examples of a few of my favorite pages I’ve completed over the years:
 Have a great week everyone!

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