Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Mid Week Merriment - Cat Tales

At the beginning of the new year, as I do every year, I start on my spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new:  old calendars down, new ones up, sort Christmas cards - some that can be sent to St. Jude's, others kept for sentimental reasons, and the smallest pile to be discarded/recycled, etc.

I noticed I had an extra ASPCA calendar and I had an unwanted (& I mean that in the nicest way mom & dad) gift with a similar theme. I immediately thought of my bestie, Leslie who has the biggest heart when it comes to animals, so I knew she would be a grateful recipient. Hence, I packaged up the items, drove over to the post office on my lunch hour, and then waited to hear if she got my package. In just a few short days I received these photos (via text) with the following message:

"The other cats are following him around. I think they're jealous. He (Pip, the one in the sweater) tried cleaning his side and fell over. Thanks for the entertaining gift."

Wearing a sweater must throw off their balance as we have seen this reaction previously. Many, many moons ago my family had a cat - which one it was I don't quite remember, but we had a cat sweater that I probably bought cheaply thinking it would be fun to dress up the cat and see what happens. What happened is our cat staggered drunkenly around the kitchen while we all held our sides tears streaming down our faces from uncontrollable laughter until we finally had mercy and removed the sweater from our unhappy cat. Remembering this, I believe is the reason my husband and I were gifted a sweater for our fur baby. 

Having sympathy for our cat, and not wishing to get scratched within an inch of our lives, we decided 'maybe not' on the sweater. I'm glad my friend Leslie was braver than me and took the chance that one of her kittens would like it. The moral of the story here is, sometimes regifting can be a good thing as the sweater has entertainment value for my friend, and my husband and I remain scratch-free and on good terms with our precious angel.

Leslie's text concluded, "Well crap, he got if off."

Enjoy the rest of your week everyone.

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